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The Last Commandment | Prime Political
Let me start by saying this is in no way a non-secular piece. Considering myself a Christian, this is merely to illuminate the differences of opinion from other people that call themselves Christians too. At the conclusion you can decide who’s values are more in step with the teachings of Jesus Christ.
For everyone that has heard the story of Moses, we know he received the Ten Commandments from the mountain top. Thou shall not covet thy neighbors possessions. These ten rules given to us on how to live our lives are the roadmap to righteousness.
These rules were given to us in the first section of the Bible. This first section is referred to as the “ Old Testament “. The books given to us in this section occurred prior to the birth of the Christ Child. A personal favorite is “Proverbs”. This is where god gave the knowledge to wisdom to Solomon. You will have to read it to understand how to interpret it. It is worth it.
The New Testament
In the second, and last, section of the Bible it is called “The New Testament”. Here are where the teachings of Jesus are found. More importantly, here is where his actions are on display. This is where the example was set for us how to live our lives. This is true because of the last Commandment given, “ love one another as I have loved you “.
Basically, we are to treat one another the way we want to be treated. Some call it Karma, other faiths have other terms for it. Treating one another with…