By now, you are probably aware the government of the United States is not open for business. This GOP shutdown has been in effect since December 22, 2018 and while Republicans maintained full control of government.
The Office of the President, as well as the Senate and House of Representatives were occupied by the GOP for the past two years.
I cannot lead into this story with a flowery beginning, so lets just jump into it. By “it” I mean the ineptitude on the right side of the aisle. The reality is, Donald Trump wants a wall separating the United States from Mexico. This alone is an absurd idea. Why? Because Mexico is an ally of the United States!
If border security is the issue, there are more efficient methods of controlling the flow of traffic and commerce across our countries. A wall is not — nor has it ever been — the right solution.
There are people in positions of authority proposing more cost effective methods for legal immigration.
Finger Pointing
While the Republicans enjoyed two years of total control, the only message they disseminated was that the Democrats were obstructing their efforts. This is from page 1 of the “mislead the public” part of their playbook.
Now as keeping the government open becomes a pressing issue for not only the…