When it comes to GOP racism, there was a time for action. When that time arrived, it was crucial to strike while the scandal unfolded. Instead, inaction first excused, then encouraged and finally institutionalized the party’s position on the matter.
GOP racism is a study in what happens when your outrage and attention comes 16 years too late.
On January 14, 2019 House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy(R) CA, stripped Rep. Steve King(R) IA of all House Committee assignments. This was in response to King’s remarks, “When did the term White Supremacy become a bad thing?”
If this were the first racist thing to come out of King’s mouth, this would be a much different conversation. But it is not. So let us go ahead and stipulate to the fact that Steve King is a racist based on his own hateful rhetoric.
If accountability is important to the GOP, then the real underlying question why take action now?
Ownership of GOP Racism
Steve “King of the Racists” has been in Congress since 2003. Republicans had control of the House and serial child molester Dennis Hastert(R) IL was Speaker of the House. King had no one to keep him in check.
Keep in mind, King has never hidden the fact he supports White Nationalism and is on the…