Living in an Oppressive Society

Gene Smith
5 min readSep 5, 2021

Living Under a Thumb

Please raise your hand if you believe controlling another human being is a good thing. There is only one correct answer, but I will not give it to you. First let’s explore what control is, the personality type that employs it and effect it has on those who are trying to be controlled. So we all can be on the same page as far as the definition of the word control”, here is the dictionary definition. : to direct the behavior of (a person or animal) : to cause (a person or animal) to do what you want Unless you are at your place of business supervising employees, I know of no one who thinks being controlled is a good idea.

Now let’s talk about the personality type that uses this tactic, not in the workplace. Larger than life people tend to display signs of controlling characteristics. Bosses, celebrities, professional athletes and last but not least, politicians. Think about it, how many times have seen a political ad where the candidate came across as a bragger, pompous or narcissistic. Too many is my guess. This class of person has the belief that no one can tell them what to do, and they will impose their will on you, or for lack of a better term, “own you”.

Once this faux power is achieved, an iron fist approach is used to keep those in line that are to be dominated. In the political realm, these…



Gene Smith

Juris Doctor, Retired Law Enforcement, contributor to The Ascent. Host of the podcast, “Hanging ith Uncle” #follow back followers