The Trump Russia scandal is moving into its final act.
Donald Trump is the undisputed President of the United States. In the 2016 Election, he garnered more electoral votes than Hillary Clinton to ascend to the highest office in the nation.
That should be the end of the story. You either learn from history or you are doomed to repeat it. I will not rehash the Watergate scandal, but we need to draw from its legal lessons.
Trump allegedly won the White House by subversive means, similar to those Richard Nixon engaged in during the Watergate scandal. While the facts aren’t identical, the constitutional ramifications are. Issues surrounding the accountability of the President have already been decided by the Supreme Court.
The most important one is the President is not above the law.
Americans abolished a monarchy forever with the ratification of the Constitution. President Bill Clinton was subpoenaed to testify before a Grand Jury and compelled to answer questions surrounding alleged crimes. Constitutionally speaking, a sitting President can be held to answer to the people.
Trump and his campaign are under investigation for conspiring with the Russian government to help him win the 2016 election. The current tally of guilty pleas, indictments and…