Member-only story
How Corporate Greed Is Killing the Environment
It is not difficult to see how corporate greed negatively impacts society. But the destruction it has on the environment is far more devastating.
Global warming is a term that triggers either concern or disregard among people. Some feel this issue is a hoax. Others think the cold winter months means the threat of severe climate change does not exist.
Since the 2017 during hurricane season, six major storms have devastated the Caribbean region. Thousands of lives have been lost and uncertainty has replaced security.
Rising ocean temperatures contribute significantly to global temperatures. Since two thirds of the surface of the Earth is water, it makes sense to take steps to combat any increase.
Cooling the Ocean
A retrofit to our infrastructure with clean, sustainable and renewable energy would do little to combat rising ocean temperatures.
Rising CO2 levels must be addressed to begin reversing ocean temperatures. In very simplistic terms, plant life on the surface absorbes the carbon dioxide, animal life inhales the oxygen emitted from them. We enjoy a symbiotic relationship where we rely on each other for our existence. The same relationship exist with ocean vegetation and CO2 levels in the water.